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Achieving Our ISO Accreditation
Freight Products has always strived to improve our company and offer the best service possible to our customers. That’s why we are...

Legislation Changes On Travelling Abroad With Any Vehicle
As of 27th September 2021 you will need to display a UK sticker clearly on the rear of your vehicle when travelling abroad. Any GB...

Marker Boards and Signage
Marker Boards By Freight Products UK LTD At Freight Products UK we stock a wide range of durable, high quality marker boards which...

Travelling to France? Are you compliant?
Travelling outside of the UK comes with its own set of requirements to be compliant with the local laws and regulations. In France, new...

Direct Vision Standard and HGV Safety Permit
Effective from March 1st, 2021, operators of lorries and HGV’s over 12 tonnes gross vehicle weight will need a permit to enter and...

DVSA Updated driver daily walkaround leaflets
Guidance for carrying out checks on HGVs & PSVs Did you know that the DVSA has updated its daily driver walkaround leaflets? You can use...
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